Making a Complaint or Raising Concerns
Below are some simple tips to remember when considering lodging a complaint.
- Anyone can make a complaint.
- Complaints enable action to be taken when people do not uphold the integrity standards of our sport. By speaking up, you are protecting others around you.
All complaints and concerns (including any allegation of Prohibited Conduct under the National Integrity Framework) should be submitted to Rowing Australia online. Rowing Australia will triage and confirm the next steps with the person who submitted the report, including the appropriate body to manage the matter.
Concerns may also be raised directly with the relevant Club or State Association, which shall seek advice from the Rowing Australia National Integrity Manager about the applicable procedure.
Complaints about Child Safeguarding and/or Discrimination* may be submitted directly to Sport Integrity Australia via the online form on the Sport Integrity Australia website or by telephone at 1300 027 232. Other issues or concerns may be reported to Sport Integrity Australia (which can be done anonymously), however, it may not be able to act on them.