Navigating the US College System
Rowing Australia recognises there is more than one pathway for athletes to progress through their rowing journey – one of these is the Australian pathway system, with the US student experience presenting another attractive option that you may wish to consider. Understandably, the opportunities presented by an offer of a scholarship at a US university/college can be exciting for athletes and parents.
Rowing and studying in a US College program offers a unique experience, combining a competitive rowing schedule with a tertiary education in your chosen field of study. It is one of 37 amateur sports offered within the US College system – it can be a complex and daunting environment to navigate. The following information aims to assist in your understanding of the US Collegiate system in order for you to make informed decisions about your potential athletic and academic future.
US Recruiting Guide
Angus Dawson's Story
Hear Sammy Morton's Story
Our Australian US College Athletes

The role of Rowing Australia’s Pathways Transition Manager, John Bowes, primarily focuses on better understanding the local and US environments in order to develop and maintain better connections with student-athletes based in the US. John has established relationships with Head Coaches and Recruiters in numerous College Rowing Programs, providing him with a broad knowledge of the principles and expectations of each program, how they’re run and the academic standards of each College. John’s information and advice will be invaluable for athletes and parents seeking information when considering a US College experience and we recommend you contact John as your first point of call for accurate advice and information.
Email | jbowes@rowingaustralia.com.au
Phone | +61 439 958 367
Email | hchapman@rowingaustralia.com.au
Phone | +61 400 781 276